When a settlement agreement is reached by conciliation, the arbitration tribunal shall prepare the conciliation statement or the award on the basis of the results of the settlement agreement. 调解达成协议的,仲裁庭应当制作调解书或者根据协议的结果制作裁决书。
An enterprise may also prepare a cash flow statement to reflect the changes in its financial position. 企业也可以编制现金流量表,反映财务状况的变动情况。
The database server automatically issues the PREPARE statement to update any prepared objects that reference the table. 数据库服务器自动发出PREPARE命令,更新引用该表的任何编译过的对象。
The time required for the prepare phase of the SQL statement makes up a significant portion of the statement's overall execution time. 准备阶段需要的时间占语句总执行时间的很大一部分。
Then, we prepare that statement. 然后,需要对这条语句进行准备。
Use parameter markers to prepare an SQL statement once, and then reuse it many times. 只需在SQL语句中使用一次参数标记,然后就可以多次重用。
Please note that result of the$ dbh-> prepare method is SQL Statement handle. 请注意,$dbh->prepare方法的结果是SQL语句句柄。
The library demonstrates how to prepare an INSERT statement that contains parameter markers using the odbc_prepare() function. 该库演示了如何使用odbcprepare()函数编译包含参数标记的INSERT语句。
The DB2 optimizer stores the access plan created in the prepare phase in the SQL statement cache ( also called package cache in DB2) for reuse purposes. DB2优化器将准备阶段中创建的访问计划存储在SQL语句缓存(在DB2中也称为包缓存)中以便重用。
Instead, you would need to create another preparedStatement for the delete, and another message would be sent to the database server to prepare the statement for the delete query. 而是需要另外创建一个preparedStatement来执行删除操作,且另外会有一条消息被发送到数据库服务器来准备删除查询语句。
Prepare the Insert statement once, with parameter markers, and execute it multiple times. 只准备Insert语句一次,在语句中使用参数标记,然后多次执行该语句。
Often you will want to prepare and compile the UPDATE statement only once, and then pass in a new value every time you execute the update. 常常希望只准备和编译UPDATE语句一次,然后在每次执行更新时传递一个新值。
Once the SQL statement formatting is complete it is passed to the RPG PREPARE_SQL_STATEMENT sub-procedure. SQL语句一旦完成格式化,将被传递到RPGPREPARESQLSTATEMENT子过程。
This statement will be a string variable that is passed to the Prepare_SQL_Statement sub-procedure. 这个语句将是一个传递到PrepareSQLStatement子过程的字符串变量。
Prepare the SELECT statement. 准备SELECT语句。
If an issuer needs to prepare the consolidated financial statements, it shall separately prepare the profit forecast statement and consolidated profit forecast statement of the parent company. 需要编制合并财务报表的发行人,应分别编制母公司盈利预测表和合并盈利预测表。
John Maynard Keynes, in his role as an economic adviser to the Treasury, was asked to prepare a statement "exposing the fallacious character of the German proposals". 当时身为英国财政部经济顾问的约翰梅纳德凯恩斯(johnmaynardkeynes),被要求准备一项声明,“揭露德国提议的荒谬本质”。
Single proprietorships and partnerships prepare the statement of owner's equity. 独资和合伙企业需要编制业主权益表。
Prepare in full a budgeted profit statement for this month using absorption costing principles. 用吸收成本法准备一份完整的本月预算利润表。
Some companies prepare an income statement for management that highlights standard cost variances. 一些公司编制反映标准成本差异的损益表。
Based on the above data, we can prepare the statement of cash flows. 以上述数据为基础,我们就可以编制现金流量表了。
Who prepare a statement know as the protest? 海事报告书由谁来起草?
For example, the code to create a connection, prepare and execute a statement looks very similar in olap4j and JDBC. 比如说,olap4j里创建连接、准备和执行语句的代码看起来和JDBC里的非常像。
A foreign-funded enterprise shall prepare its Statement of Foreign Exchange Income and Expenditures according to law, and authorize an accounting firm to conduct examination. 外商投资企业应依法编制外汇收支情况表,并委托会计师事务所进行审核。
Prepare the trial balance on a monthly basis; prepare the income statement and balance sheet, cash flow statement; 编制月度试算平衡表;编制月度利润表、负债表及现金流量表;
The company which prepares consolidated financial statements shall prepare the difference reconciliation statement of consolidated net assets and consolidated net profits in accordance with the aforesaid format. 编制合并报表的公司,按照上述格式编制合并净资产、合并净利润的差异调节表。
You are required to prepare a written one-page statement for each project. 每个专题要求准备一页的书面简报。
Single proprietorships and partnerships prepare the statement of owners'equity rather than the statement of retained earnings. 独资企业和合伙企业编制业主权益表,而不是留存收益表。
An extended stored procedure did not prepare a Transact-SQL statement. 扩展存储过程未准备transact-sql语句。
On the one hand, administrative litigation mediation must prepare the conciliation statement. 一方面,行政诉讼调解必须制作调解书。